
We are by the very nature of our work sector-neutral but talk to us if you as a Western business seek the India market. We will tell you if we can’t help.

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Security Law & Order

Innovative Technologies, Products, services, solutions, and equipment, relevant to India

Oil & Gas

All relevant equipment supply and solutions relevant to the enhancement,  safety/security and operations of O&G facilities and transportation, including drilling and prospecting for new onshore and offshore assets.

Technology, IT & Software

Innovative products and solutions with applications across industries, or specific sectors.

Biotech & Medical Devices

Commercialization of new technologies, products, services and solutions. Local sales, approvals, local trials.

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Paramilitary & Defence

Communication/Testing solutions and relevant RF and software-defined products, services and solutions, equipment .

Private Equity

Ground-level due diligence and support relative to investee companies, to minimize loss and manipulation.

Infrastructure & Engineering

Rail, Metro, Highways Tendering opportunities, products, services and solutions, equipment. Auto Sector.

CSR Initiatives

Local communities, supporting NGO and Charitable activities – related to your corporate CSR objectives.