Our Role
Western entrants into India’s business landscape may struggle for years without help. We can help, and we have the track-record for it.
Your Best Interests
We may be advisors but we can be quite persistent in our advice when it is in your best interests.
As we said, we have the track-record for it!
Refer to our sections Sectors and Case Studies for more information.
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How We Can Help
As your India business and risk advisors, we complement your efforts on the ground.
We are experienced in advising Western companies on Indian business. We do what we do by rolling up our sleeves and jumping into the field alongside you. We fit alongside your own specialists, as a team within which we delve deeper and behind the scenes into proposed partners, business models, local promises, attempted manipulations, local threats and attempts at entrapment into bribery & corruption.
Our experience of India coupled with our deep relationships can usually help thwart and resist threats to our clients’ Integrity and investments in India – reducing risk and making that business plan more achievable.
Refer to our Case Studies
Team Mates
When contracts are signed up and dusted, that’s only the starting point. We help lean on local partners and teams when it’s time to deliver promises. This is where we help you persist in keeping that eye on the ball.
Then again, things change. You may need to keep options open for new opportunities, without upsetting existing partners – a very challenging manoeuvre in India. Relationships do go bust at times, but withdrawal from local Indian partners is not just about contract rights and can get messy in a myriad of ways. Crucially, we work with you to survive and manage this minefield.